Clip Art pictures not displaying after Search


Bob Stubbs

I am currently using MS Office XP. Within Word, if I
select Insert, Picture, Clip Art, the Search For window
opens. After I enter the Search text (i.e. plane), and
then clip Search, several result picture boxes appear.

The problem is that only the top 2 boxes actually display
the clip art pciture. The other boxes are blank to
view. If I move my mouse over the blank box, it does
provide a description, hight, width and size. When I
select Insert to place it in my document, nothing appears
on the document. I am displaying the document in print
layout. I have reinstalled Office XP and this did not
correct the situation.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Bob,

If you clear the Temporary Internet files in
your browser cache then restart Word do you
get the same results?

I am currently using MS Office XP. Within Word, if I
select Insert, Picture, Clip Art, the Search For window
opens. After I enter the Search text (i.e. plane), and
then clip Search, several result picture boxes appear.

The problem is that only the top 2 boxes actually display
the clip art pciture. The other boxes are blank to
view. If I move my mouse over the blank box, it does
provide a description, hight, width and size. When I
select Insert to place it in my document, nothing appears
on the document. I am displaying the document in print
layout. I have reinstalled Office XP and this did not
correct the situation.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. >>

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