Clip art shows as attachments



Hi - a document with clip art inserted was emailed to a co-worker. The clip
are files got sent as attachments - how do we avoid this? Linda

Roady [MVP]

You are not providing any information to work with here.
Outlook details?
Mail configuration details?
Exact steps to reproduce?


sorry - I guess I don't know those details. The clip art is on the doc,
which is in the body of the email, but the file names appear in the
attachment listing. That probably doesn't help you much, but that's all I've
got right now.

Roady [MVP]

Any specific reason why you send the entire document as an email instead of
an attachment?
Help-> About tells you the version of Outlook
Tools-> Email Accounts tells you your mail account type.
Surely you know if you are in a corporate environment or not and if the
people involved are inside or outside the organization.

Exact steps to reproduce means where exactly you are clicking; all the
options menus etc...


This is a marketing tool; I am performing an email merge; yes, surely I know
if the people involved are inside or outside the organization -they're
outside. Maybe I'll have more for you later - didn't realize what I thought
was a simple question was so involved.


Roady [MVP]

It hard understanding someone's issue if you can't look over their shoulder.
The more info you can provide the better we can offer any assistance.

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