I just visited the clip gallery and was disappointed to find that it
changed its formatting and won't allow me to download files for
Office97 Professional. My MS Office takes cil files, and I didn't see
any updates for this suite to accommodate the new aspx whatever
No, upgrading to a later MS Office isn't an option. I like the
assistants, I like the features, I have better control over what is
and isn't repaired when I type, and MS Office 97 doesn't annoyingly
try to usurp file type associations without my permission.
Thanks for any help towards resolution. This clip gallery has been
majorly invaluable for me.
° The EMH Journal
___ °°° ___ http://emhjournal.ddgalleries.com
___ °°°°° ___ ·
°°° °°° I, Holodoc
° °° http://holodoc.100megsfree2.com/
° °
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changed its formatting and won't allow me to download files for
Office97 Professional. My MS Office takes cil files, and I didn't see
any updates for this suite to accommodate the new aspx whatever
No, upgrading to a later MS Office isn't an option. I like the
assistants, I like the features, I have better control over what is
and isn't repaired when I type, and MS Office 97 doesn't annoyingly
try to usurp file type associations without my permission.
Thanks for any help towards resolution. This clip gallery has been
majorly invaluable for me.
° The EMH Journal
___ °°° ___ http://emhjournal.ddgalleries.com
___ °°°°° ___ ·
°°° °°° I, Holodoc
° °° http://holodoc.100megsfree2.com/
° °
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