Clip Gallery vs. Clip organizer



With my new computer with Word 2002 I find that
the "Clip Organizer" will not pick up the keywords from
the zillions of graphics I had from old Word and
Publisher collections. They all had keywords
in "Gallery". Is there any way to import keywords along
with thumbnails.
Alternately, is there a way to get the Clip Gallery to
replace the "Organizer"? I have the old program CD's,
but find no separate installation.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi E.Y.P.,

Unfortunately, while the Clip Organizer can migrate
the graphics and you can setup collection folders
quickly the keywords and categories from MS Clip Gallery
aren't migrated to Clip Organizer, but you will have
thumbnails and you can drag and drop or copy into
different collections.

If MS Clip Gallery is installed you can use it through
Insert=>Object in Word 2002.

If it's not installed you can use a custom installation
of a prior version of Office and uncheck everything but
the graphics related items and install to a different
location than Office XP/Word 2002. Note that you will
be installing a good part of the shared program files
of the older version of Office.

With my new computer with Word 2002 I find that
the "Clip Organizer" will not pick up the keywords from
the zillions of graphics I had from old Word and
Publisher collections. They all had keywords
in "Gallery". Is there any way to import keywords along
with thumbnails.
Alternately, is there a way to get the Clip Gallery to
replace the "Organizer"? I have the old program CD's,
but find no separate installation.
Help!! >>

I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

The Office 2003 System parts explained


Thank you for your help. I'm a little afraid to mess
with the system, but I'm so distressed with the lack of
labeling I'm going to try it. Will report what happens.
Again, thank for replying.

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