Clipart stops responding



Hi. I've posted this question a while ago, but the answer given to me did not
make a difference to the problem. More people have started to complain about
it so I'm going to ask again to see if there is any other ideas.
Whenever any user on any computer in my domain where I
work tries to use clipart in any Office 2003 product
(most often Word or Publisher) the clipart program stops
responding. They type in the keyword they want to search
the clipart gallery for, they press GO, and then it stops
responding - this also causes the Office application to
stop responding as well. For some users (only 2 or 3) after about 5
minutes the clipart search results will appear and they
can use the clipart, but trying to perform another search
will take another 5 minutes of staring at the screen. I
can force the clipart process to stop by ending the
process in Task Manager, but this is no good because the
users need to use the clipart.

What confuses me is that this happens to every user
except myself - I have administrative rights on my user
account. However, I have tried giving another user
administrative rights to see if it fixes the problem for
them but it didn't work. I have also tried reloading
Office 2003 on a couple of machines to no avail.

Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Thanks in advance.


You might check the cache of the user's machines, in IE, tools, Internet
delete files. When the temp folder is full, downloading is very slow or
This article discusses how to share clipart on a network. Maybe yours need
tweaking. The 2002 Organizer works the same way as 2003.
Clip2002: How to Share a Collection on a Network

Mary Sauer MS MVP
news:[email protected]...


try unchecking the "web collections" option under the "search in" menu before
searching. If your work place is like mine, web access is determined by
username, and the admin is the only one with web access. The search option
won't work, (or seem like it won't) for users without web access, even if you
give the user admin rights, since the username is unchanged.

hope this helps

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