Clipboard Retains Cut Items In Excel




I'm having a problem with the clipboard that I didn't have before. Its only
in Excel. For some reason, when I highlight a cell or group of cells with
the intention of either cutting or copying it, by right clicking on the
selection, the little list of options that pops out does not include 'cut'
nor 'copy. The 'cut' and 'copy' options aren't on the option list at all,
not even in 'ghosted' form. But 'paste' and 'paste special' are ghosted.
When this happens, I see that the clipboard still has retained the last cell
that I cut AND DID PASTE. And that last cut or copy and paste operation had
to be done using the icons on the standard bar.

So the clipboard has retained the selection from the last cut and paste
operation. I can manually delete that information from the clipboard
thereby clearing it. But that doesn't make any difference...when I right
click on a cell, the option to 'cut' or 'copy' still is not in the little
menu that pops up.

This problem does not exist in Word, nor on web pages.

It has me baffled, and I really use this function (cut & paste) a lot. Its
much more tedious with the right click functionality missing. Can you
please help me fix this?

Thanks for constant great support on this newsgroup.


Earl Kiosterud


Someone (Dave Peterson, I think) answered this recently. Search back.


Hello Dave and Earl,
Thanks very much! I somehow got lost the last time I tried to fix it using
VBE. But I tried it again just now and it worked. I have the cut and paste
functionaly back when I right click. Thank you for you help and patience.
I truly would NOT have had a clue how to do this without you. Thank you!


Dave Peterson

Glad to hear that it worked.
Hello Dave and Earl,
Thanks very much! I somehow got lost the last time I tried to fix it using
VBE. But I tried it again just now and it worked. I have the cut and paste
functionaly back when I right click. Thank you for you help and patience.
I truly would NOT have had a clue how to do this without you. Thank you!


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