In Outlook Today (using Outlook 2003) the clock in the upper left corner is a white square with a red X. The same thing is displayed in the styles box when I am in the "Customize Outlook Today" screen. From what I can determine the following file is needed but is not installed: :\Program%20Files\Microsoft%20Office\Office\1033\outlwvw.dll/thumbnail4.gif. I found this by using the properties function of that icon. The Clock is looking for C:\Program%20Files\Microsoft%20Office\Office\1033\outlwvw.dll/clock.gif. Both properties tabs show unknown protocol, Type Not available and the created and modified tabs are listed as unavailable. The odd thing here is that the 1033 directory is not in the office folder but in a folder called Office11, but the outlwvw.dll is not there either.