Cloning - How to make office ask for key?



I'm trying to work with Ghost Corporate Ed 8.0. I figured
out sysprep tool to ask for WIndows key, etc when cloned.
Is there a way to make office ask for each so each
computer cloned has it's own vaild product key?

joust in jest

Ghost Corporate Ed 8.0, as you might guess from the packaging, is not a part
of MS Office. Most of the gurus who hang out here Office gurus, not Ghost
gurus. Ergo, the chance of finding an answer to your problem here is slim.

I would imagine that the Ghost gurus hang out at a Symantec (which sells
Ghost) newsgroup, not at a Microsoft(which does not sell Ghost) newsgroup.
Ergo, your chance of finding an answer to a Ghost problem there is better
than slim.


Keith V. Klenke

There is no need to configure office to prompt for the key. You are using
enterprise media & open/volume license key, right?

Keith V. Klenke
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let you know there is a site that may be of some use. A
lot of people who work with Novell products, and are VERY good with
implementations and troubleshooting, frequent the site. You can find it at:


Good call but they directed me to MS. lol

-----Original Message-----
Ghost Corporate Ed 8.0, as you might guess from the packaging, is not a part
of MS Office. Most of the gurus who hang out here Office gurus, not Ghost
gurus. Ergo, the chance of finding an answer to your problem here is slim.

I would imagine that the Ghost gurus hang out at a Symantec (which sells
Ghost) newsgroup, not at a Microsoft(which does not sell Ghost) newsgroup.
Ergo, your chance of finding an answer to a Ghost problem there is better
than slim.




Sorry I'm not an expert at this. We have all Dell Computer
each with their own CD for Office. Just like if you bought
50 computers individualy.

joust in jest

Having just purchased 50 pcs from them, you might put in a call to your Dell
Sales Associate and see if you can tap into their expertise.

You might also try posting to a Microsoft Server newsgroup -- Network
Administrators are more likely to be familiar with rolling out software with
Ghost than are MS Office users, who aren't typically Network Administrators.


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