Close a task




I have the next problem:

When I assign a new resource and then set an finnish date for the task, this
task is not closed. The percentage of completion of the task is automatically
set to 50% but if I do not assign a new resource when setting the finnish
date the task is closed.

In my program a task only can be a maximum of 2 resources and a minimum of 1.
Always is set a resource in the open of task, buy is possible what I not
assign any resource in the close of task.

what I have to do to close a task when I assign a second resource?

My code:

p.CheckOutProject(idProject, sessionId, sessionDesc);

if (newassignment)

ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow assign =
assign.TASK_UID = projectDs.Task.TASK_UID;
assign.RES_UID = userID;
assign.PROJ_UID = idProject;
assign.ASSN_UID = Guid.NewGuid();

projectDs = (ProjectDataSet)projectDs.GetChanges(DataRowState.Added);
p.QueueAddToProject(jobId, sessionId, projectDs, false);
WaitForQueue(q, jobId);

projectDs.Task.TASK_ACT_FINISH = dateClose;

p.QueueUpdateProject(jobId, sessionId, projectDs, false);
WaitForQueue(q, jobId);

p.QueuePublish(jobId, idProject, true, String.Empty);
WaitForQueue(q, jobId);

p.QueueCheckInProject(jobId, idProject, true, sessionId, sessionDesc);

Please sorry for my bad english

Best regards!

Stephen Sanderlin

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