Close, Minimize and Window Icons



My wife and I both are using Microsoft Office 2007 home edition that was
installed from the same CD and we're both running the same laptop, Toshiba
A135. My problem is that the Close, Minimize and Window Icons are different
in both installations. Hers are like what we've always had which is the
symbol with a box around it and the close box is red. On my machine there is
no box around them and they look slightly different, especially the Window
Icon which looks 3d. I'd normally not be concerned by this difference but
I'm forced to use voice recognition to control my computer due to a temporary
handicap and I cannot control these functions on my machine but can on hers.
This problem shows up in all the programs for Office 2007 but not on any
other software installed on the machine. Hopefully someone else has had the
same problem and knows a solution.


Graham Mayor

It sounds from your description that you each have different settings for
Office Button > Word Options > Advanced > Display > "Show all windows in
task bar"

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Thanks for the idea but I'd already tried that (and many other options in
the word options section) and it didn't effect this problem. I've also
checked the settings in Excel and changed them with no affect. I also
verified that both laptops have the same display settings in Vista and they
do! I guess I'll just have to keep looking for other solutions.


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