I have a form that saves the file using the value from a
variable as the name. Now I want to be able to open
(already have that working) a new doc based on a .dot I
want to then close the previous file. I don't know how to
pass the variable value onto the close command here is
what I have so far
Documents.Add Template:= _
"\\Server\Share\forms\templates\Full page
Scans2.dot", NewTemplate:= _
False, DocumentType:=0
End Sub
variable as the name. Now I want to be able to open
(already have that working) a new doc based on a .dot I
want to then close the previous file. I don't know how to
pass the variable value onto the close command here is
what I have so far
Documents.Add Template:= _
"\\Server\Share\forms\templates\Full page
Scans2.dot", NewTemplate:= _
False, DocumentType:=0
End Sub