Closing Word 2007 Produces Error



I installed Office 2007 about 2 months ago and have had no difficulty with
any of the apps.

Today when closing Word I got the message that "Microsoft Office Word has
stopped working." The system then restarts Word and when I try to close
again it goes through the entire process again.

I tried starting it in Safe Mode and it does not have this problem closing.

Any Ideas how to resolve?



The problem ended up being PDF Converter Pro 4 - Vista Upgrade. Reading
some of the posts regarding the problem, I noticed the issue could be caused
by a print driver, and PDF Converter Pro 4 installs one for PDF conversion.

When I uninstalled it the problem went away.....The software had been
install for several weeks so I don't understand why it suddenly became a
problem. I reinstalled the product and all seems well now...



I am one of those who had problems with the PDF converter by
ScanSoft/Nuance. What company did your software? And a simple
uninstall/reinstall solved the problem?

I have had to disable this PDF converter which in turn blocks other features
of Word since I can not find a way to simply disabled one appliication at a

David L

Hi JohnF. I have exactly the same problem as you, but I am unsure how to
uninstall the PDF Converter Pro 4 - Vista Upgrade. I've been searching for it
on my PC, but no luck so far. Could you help by saying how it can be
uninstalled. Otherwise I'll never be able to close Word 2007..... Thanks!

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