I have added several custom fileds to the Enterprise Global template by
using the 'Rename' function. The result looks like this: Enterprise Project
Text 1 (New Name).
I can add the new fields to the Project Center view but the column headings
do not update the the renamed label. The column heading sitll indicates
"Enterprise Project Global Text 1".
Actually, of the six custome fileds that I added, four of them do reflect
the renamed column heading but two of them do not.
Also, when in Project Center view, I select a project and then click on the
'Edit' button. Several of the new custome fields are then availalble for
editing not not all of them. How can I add the new custom fields so that
they are available for editing in the web view without having to open the
project in Microsoft Project?
Help is appreciated.
using the 'Rename' function. The result looks like this: Enterprise Project
Text 1 (New Name).
I can add the new fields to the Project Center view but the column headings
do not update the the renamed label. The column heading sitll indicates
"Enterprise Project Global Text 1".
Actually, of the six custome fileds that I added, four of them do reflect
the renamed column heading but two of them do not.
Also, when in Project Center view, I select a project and then click on the
'Edit' button. Several of the new custome fields are then availalble for
editing not not all of them. How can I add the new custom fields so that
they are available for editing in the web view without having to open the
project in Microsoft Project?
Help is appreciated.