Francis Hookham
Cmd/Rtn copies the first cell contents into the remainder of the selection
Irritatingly the selection moves, for instance:
Select C7:E7 and C8:E8 is selected after Cm/Rtn
Select C7:C13 and C14:C20 is selected after Cm/Rtn
Is there a setting which will leave the original Active Cell selected or at
least keep the selection the same after Cnd/Rtn?
I habitually leave the "Move selection after Return" unchecked
Thanks again
Francis Hookham
Cmd/Rtn copies the first cell contents into the remainder of the selection
Irritatingly the selection moves, for instance:
Select C7:E7 and C8:E8 is selected after Cm/Rtn
Select C7:C13 and C14:C20 is selected after Cm/Rtn
Is there a setting which will leave the original Active Cell selected or at
least keep the selection the same after Cnd/Rtn?
I habitually leave the "Move selection after Return" unchecked
Thanks again
Francis Hookham