cmyk color differs btwn Photshop & Publisher



Whenever I select a color in photoshop (cmyk or Pantone)
it differs greatly from the color that comes up on the
(same) screen when the graphic is in Publisher 2003.
Likewise. when I choose the same color in Publisher, it
comes up differently in Photshop.
Anyone have any clues as to wkhat to do?

Jeff Daghir

When you say the colors in Photoshop and Publisher differ do you mean:

A. They appear to be different colors visually, but the CMYK values are the
B. They appear to be the same color visually, but the CMYK values are
C. They are different both in visual appearance and CMYK values.
D. They are the same both in visual appearance and CMYK values.
E. None of the above

If A, then the problem is most likely due to color management. Photoshop is
a color managed application and will attempt to color correct for the
characteristics of your particular monitor if it is configured properly.
Publisher is not a color managed application, so only God knows what colors
it will display on screen.

If B, then the problem may also be due to color management differences
between Photoshop and Publisher, or in the case of Pantone colors, Publisher
and Photoshop may be using different versions of Pantone's spot color

If C, again the problem may lie with color management.

If D, then you don't have a problem. ;)

If E, then I have no idea what is going on.


Jeff Daghir
MPS Printing, Inc.
The Ink & Paper People!
Madison, IN
(e-mail address removed)

Mike Koewler


I disagree. What I did, and it has worked well, was to take a color
picture I used on the front page of my paper and adjust my monitor until
it looked as close to perfect as possible compared to the printed version.

It obviously has to be re-adjusted every so often, but it improves the
chances of WYSIWYG. I also work with the same printer each and every
week, which makes things better.


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