Hello Bob!
I'm working at the Uppsala University in Sweden, and we
usually do our layout work in FrameMaker or QuarkXpress
or something, but we have this service where doctorates
can download a Word template for their dissertations and
do the layout themselves - and then send the whole
caboodle to us for distilling to PDF and subsequent
delivery to the printers. There's no problem where
digital printing is concerned, but it's when the
dissertation is supposed to be printed on a regular
offset press that this is a problem. We can of course
(and do) go in and convert the pics back to CMYK via
Photoshop, obviously, but I just wondered if there was an
easier way around it.
And to answer your question: the picture type can be
anything, but usually TIFF or EPS...
-----Original Message-----
Hi Martin,
In general Word doesn't support the CMYK color model.
What picture type are you using in Word and how are you
inserting it?
<<"martin hogvall" <
[email protected]> wrote in
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