Dave B
I have some code which tests for a condition and deletes unwanted rows:
For i = 2 To intLastRow
strCellText = ActiveCell.Text
intLocInStr = InStr(1, strCellText, "sample text", vbTextCompare)
If intLocInStr > 0 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
intLocInStr = 0
End If
strCellText = ""
Next i
Sometimes, after the ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete line, the code breaks as if
I had pressed ctrl-Break. I get the message "Code execution has been
interrupted" with options to End, Debug, etc.
I don't have breakpoints or anything. Has anyone ever had this problem or
know why my code keeps breaking? (It's pretty annoying to have to sit there
and keep pressing C ... for Continue.)
For i = 2 To intLastRow
strCellText = ActiveCell.Text
intLocInStr = InStr(1, strCellText, "sample text", vbTextCompare)
If intLocInStr > 0 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
intLocInStr = 0
End If
strCellText = ""
Next i
Sometimes, after the ActiveCell.EntireRow.Delete line, the code breaks as if
I had pressed ctrl-Break. I get the message "Code execution has been
interrupted" with options to End, Debug, etc.
I don't have breakpoints or anything. Has anyone ever had this problem or
know why my code keeps breaking? (It's pretty annoying to have to sit there
and keep pressing C ... for Continue.)