Code for avoiding slashes, ampersands, etc. when naming sheets



With wksNew
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = r.Address
.Name = Left(Trim(currCat), 31) 'this line is where I
need to expand
.Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
application.CutCopyMode = False
End With

When the above code is running, occasionally the macro will get stuck
because the currCat name contains a character, such as a slash, that Excel
cannot use in a sheet name. Can someone tell me how to write code that will
either strip out invalid sheet name characters or replace them with something
like a dash?

RB Smissaert

Code like this will do the job.
You could make it a lot shorter and simpler, but this will cover all, plus
there is some general purpose code in there
to speed up a Replace.

Function MakeValidSheetName(strSheetName As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim strSheetOld As String

'take out invalid characters
MakeValidSheetName = ClearCharsFromString(strSheetName, "*:?/\[]")

'truncate if sheet name is too long, can be 31, but allow for added
MakeValidSheetName = Left$(MakeValidSheetName, 27)

strSheetOld = MakeValidSheetName

'Avoid existing sheets
i = 1
Do While SheetExists(MakeValidSheetName)
i = i + 1
MakeValidSheetName = strSheetOld & "_" & i

End Function

Function ClearCharsFromString(ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal strChars As String, _
Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bLeading As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal bTrailing As Boolean) As String

Dim i As Long

If Len(strString) = 0 Then
ClearCharsFromString = strString
Exit Function
End If

If bAll Then
For i = 1 To Len(strChars)
strString = ReplaceX(strString, _
Mid$(strChars, i, 1), _
Next i
If bLeading Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Left$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Right$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
If bTrailing Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Right$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Left$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
End If

ClearCharsFromString = strString

End Function

Private Function ReplaceX(ByVal strSource As String, _
ByVal strFind As String, _
ByVal strReplace As String, _
Optional ByVal lStart As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lCount As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As VbCompareMethod =
vbBinaryCompare) As String

'could make this a bit faster by making it a Sub and putting the result in
a ByRef argument
Dim i As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lLenFind As Long

lPos = InStr(lStart, strSource, strFind, bCompare)

If lPos = 0 Then
'strFind is not in strSource, so return strSource and get out
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
Exit Function
End If

lLenFind = Len(strFind)

If lStart < lPos And lLenFind = Len(strReplace) Then
If lCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSource, lPos) = strReplace
Do While lPos > 0
Mid$(strSource, lPos, lLenFind) = strReplace
lPos = InStr(lPos + lLenFind, strSource, strFind, bCompare)
End If
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
ReplaceX = Replace(strSource, strFind, strReplace, lStart, lCount,
End If

End Function

Function SheetExists(ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean

'returns True if the sheet exists in the active workbook
Dim x As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(strSheetName)

If Err = 0 Then
SheetExists = True
End If

End Function


Dave Peterson

I don't think you'll ever be able to validate all the names that can't be used
(duplicate names could be legal, but they won't be valid).

I'd just try to the rename and look out for an error

dim wks as worksheet
dim newname as string
set wks = worksheets.add
newname = "some string here"

on error resume next = newname
if err.number <> 0 then
msgbox "Rename failed"
end if
on error goto 0

Try renaming a worksheet to History (just for fun!).

Jim Thomlinson

Very nice. I will be keeping a copy of this for future reference. One thing I
see missing is that it does not validate that you are trying to rename the
sheet to "history". XL will not let you name a sheet history.

Jim Thomlinson

RB Smissaert said:
Code like this will do the job.
You could make it a lot shorter and simpler, but this will cover all, plus
there is some general purpose code in there
to speed up a Replace.

Function MakeValidSheetName(strSheetName As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim strSheetOld As String

'take out invalid characters
MakeValidSheetName = ClearCharsFromString(strSheetName, "*:?/\[]")

'truncate if sheet name is too long, can be 31, but allow for added
MakeValidSheetName = Left$(MakeValidSheetName, 27)

strSheetOld = MakeValidSheetName

'Avoid existing sheets
i = 1
Do While SheetExists(MakeValidSheetName)
i = i + 1
MakeValidSheetName = strSheetOld & "_" & i

End Function

Function ClearCharsFromString(ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal strChars As String, _
Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bLeading As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal bTrailing As Boolean) As String

Dim i As Long

If Len(strString) = 0 Then
ClearCharsFromString = strString
Exit Function
End If

If bAll Then
For i = 1 To Len(strChars)
strString = ReplaceX(strString, _
Mid$(strChars, i, 1), _
Next i
If bLeading Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Left$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Right$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
If bTrailing Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Right$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Left$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
End If

ClearCharsFromString = strString

End Function

Private Function ReplaceX(ByVal strSource As String, _
ByVal strFind As String, _
ByVal strReplace As String, _
Optional ByVal lStart As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lCount As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As VbCompareMethod =
vbBinaryCompare) As String

'could make this a bit faster by making it a Sub and putting the result in
a ByRef argument
Dim i As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lLenFind As Long

lPos = InStr(lStart, strSource, strFind, bCompare)

If lPos = 0 Then
'strFind is not in strSource, so return strSource and get out
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
Exit Function
End If

lLenFind = Len(strFind)

If lStart < lPos And lLenFind = Len(strReplace) Then
If lCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSource, lPos) = strReplace
Do While lPos > 0
Mid$(strSource, lPos, lLenFind) = strReplace
lPos = InStr(lPos + lLenFind, strSource, strFind, bCompare)
End If
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
ReplaceX = Replace(strSource, strFind, strReplace, lStart, lCount,
End If

End Function

Function SheetExists(ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean

'returns True if the sheet exists in the active workbook
Dim x As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(strSheetName)

If Err = 0 Then
SheetExists = True
End If

End Function


RB Smissaert

Never knew that and thanks for the tip.
Will add that to the code.
Do you know why it doesn't allow a sheet being called history?


Jim Thomlinson said:
Very nice. I will be keeping a copy of this for future reference. One
thing I
see missing is that it does not validate that you are trying to rename the
sheet to "history". XL will not let you name a sheet history.

Jim Thomlinson

RB Smissaert said:
Code like this will do the job.
You could make it a lot shorter and simpler, but this will cover all,
there is some general purpose code in there
to speed up a Replace.

Function MakeValidSheetName(strSheetName As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim strSheetOld As String

'take out invalid characters
MakeValidSheetName = ClearCharsFromString(strSheetName, "*:?/\[]")

'truncate if sheet name is too long, can be 31, but allow for added

MakeValidSheetName = Left$(MakeValidSheetName, 27)

strSheetOld = MakeValidSheetName

'Avoid existing sheets
i = 1
Do While SheetExists(MakeValidSheetName)
i = i + 1
MakeValidSheetName = strSheetOld & "_" & i

End Function

Function ClearCharsFromString(ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal strChars As String, _
Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bLeading As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal bTrailing As Boolean) As

Dim i As Long

If Len(strString) = 0 Then
ClearCharsFromString = strString
Exit Function
End If

If bAll Then
For i = 1 To Len(strChars)
strString = ReplaceX(strString, _
Mid$(strChars, i, 1), _
Next i
If bLeading Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Left$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Right$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
If bTrailing Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Right$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Left$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
End If

ClearCharsFromString = strString

End Function

Private Function ReplaceX(ByVal strSource As String, _
ByVal strFind As String, _
ByVal strReplace As String, _
Optional ByVal lStart As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lCount As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As VbCompareMethod =
vbBinaryCompare) As String

'could make this a bit faster by making it a Sub and putting the result
a ByRef argument

Dim i As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lLenFind As Long

lPos = InStr(lStart, strSource, strFind, bCompare)

If lPos = 0 Then
'strFind is not in strSource, so return strSource and get out
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
Exit Function
End If

lLenFind = Len(strFind)

If lStart < lPos And lLenFind = Len(strReplace) Then
If lCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSource, lPos) = strReplace
Do While lPos > 0
Mid$(strSource, lPos, lLenFind) = strReplace
lPos = InStr(lPos + lLenFind, strSource, strFind, bCompare)
End If
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
ReplaceX = Replace(strSource, strFind, strReplace, lStart, lCount,
End If

End Function

Function SheetExists(ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean

'returns True if the sheet exists in the active workbook
Dim x As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(strSheetName)

If Err = 0 Then
SheetExists = True
End If

End Function


pickytweety said:
With wksNew
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = r.Address
.Name = Left(Trim(currCat), 31) 'this line is
where I
need to expand
.Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
application.CutCopyMode = False
End With

When the above code is running, occasionally the macro will get stuck
because the currCat name contains a character, such as a slash, that
cannot use in a sheet name. Can someone tell me how to write code that
either strip out invalid sheet name characters or replace them with
like a dash?

RB Smissaert

OK, I can see now it is a reserved name.


RB Smissaert said:
Never knew that and thanks for the tip.
Will add that to the code.
Do you know why it doesn't allow a sheet being called history?


Jim Thomlinson said:
Very nice. I will be keeping a copy of this for future reference. One
thing I
see missing is that it does not validate that you are trying to rename
sheet to "history". XL will not let you name a sheet history.

Jim Thomlinson

RB Smissaert said:
Code like this will do the job.
You could make it a lot shorter and simpler, but this will cover all,
there is some general purpose code in there
to speed up a Replace.

Function MakeValidSheetName(strSheetName As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim strSheetOld As String

'take out invalid characters
MakeValidSheetName = ClearCharsFromString(strSheetName, "*:?/\[]")

'truncate if sheet name is too long, can be 31, but allow for added

MakeValidSheetName = Left$(MakeValidSheetName, 27)

strSheetOld = MakeValidSheetName

'Avoid existing sheets
i = 1
Do While SheetExists(MakeValidSheetName)
i = i + 1
MakeValidSheetName = strSheetOld & "_" & i

End Function

Function ClearCharsFromString(ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal strChars As String, _
Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bLeading As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal bTrailing As Boolean) As

Dim i As Long

If Len(strString) = 0 Then
ClearCharsFromString = strString
Exit Function
End If

If bAll Then
For i = 1 To Len(strChars)
strString = ReplaceX(strString, _
Mid$(strChars, i, 1), _
Next i
If bLeading Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Left$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Right$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
If bTrailing Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Right$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Left$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
End If

ClearCharsFromString = strString

End Function

Private Function ReplaceX(ByVal strSource As String, _
ByVal strFind As String, _
ByVal strReplace As String, _
Optional ByVal lStart As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lCount As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As VbCompareMethod =
vbBinaryCompare) As String

'could make this a bit faster by making it a Sub and putting the
result in
a ByRef argument

Dim i As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lLenFind As Long

lPos = InStr(lStart, strSource, strFind, bCompare)

If lPos = 0 Then
'strFind is not in strSource, so return strSource and get out
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
Exit Function
End If

lLenFind = Len(strFind)

If lStart < lPos And lLenFind = Len(strReplace) Then
If lCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSource, lPos) = strReplace
Do While lPos > 0
Mid$(strSource, lPos, lLenFind) = strReplace
lPos = InStr(lPos + lLenFind, strSource, strFind, bCompare)
End If
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
ReplaceX = Replace(strSource, strFind, strReplace, lStart, lCount,
End If

End Function

Function SheetExists(ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean

'returns True if the sheet exists in the active workbook
Dim x As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(strSheetName)

If Err = 0 Then
SheetExists = True
End If

End Function


With wksNew
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = r.Address
.Name = Left(Trim(currCat), 31) 'this line is
where I
need to expand
.Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
application.CutCopyMode = False
End With

When the above code is running, occasionally the macro will get stuck
because the currCat name contains a character, such as a slash, that
cannot use in a sheet name. Can someone tell me how to write code
either strip out invalid sheet name characters or replace them with
like a dash?

Jim Thomlinson

A fun read...

Jim Thomlinson

RB Smissaert said:
Never knew that and thanks for the tip.
Will add that to the code.
Do you know why it doesn't allow a sheet being called history?


Jim Thomlinson said:
Very nice. I will be keeping a copy of this for future reference. One
thing I
see missing is that it does not validate that you are trying to rename the
sheet to "history". XL will not let you name a sheet history.

Jim Thomlinson

RB Smissaert said:
Code like this will do the job.
You could make it a lot shorter and simpler, but this will cover all,
there is some general purpose code in there
to speed up a Replace.

Function MakeValidSheetName(strSheetName As String) As String

Dim i As Long
Dim strSheetOld As String

'take out invalid characters
MakeValidSheetName = ClearCharsFromString(strSheetName, "*:?/\[]")

'truncate if sheet name is too long, can be 31, but allow for added

MakeValidSheetName = Left$(MakeValidSheetName, 27)

strSheetOld = MakeValidSheetName

'Avoid existing sheets
i = 1
Do While SheetExists(MakeValidSheetName)
i = i + 1
MakeValidSheetName = strSheetOld & "_" & i

End Function

Function ClearCharsFromString(ByVal strString As String, _
ByVal strChars As String, _
Optional ByVal bAll As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal bLeading As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal bTrailing As Boolean) As

Dim i As Long

If Len(strString) = 0 Then
ClearCharsFromString = strString
Exit Function
End If

If bAll Then
For i = 1 To Len(strChars)
strString = ReplaceX(strString, _
Mid$(strChars, i, 1), _
Next i
If bLeading Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Left$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Right$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
If bTrailing Then
Do While InStr(1, strChars, Right$(strString, 1), _
vbBinaryCompare) > 0
strString = Left$(strString, _
Len(strString) - 1)
End If
End If

ClearCharsFromString = strString

End Function

Private Function ReplaceX(ByVal strSource As String, _
ByVal strFind As String, _
ByVal strReplace As String, _
Optional ByVal lStart As Long = 1, _
Optional ByVal lCount As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal bCompare As VbCompareMethod =
vbBinaryCompare) As String

'could make this a bit faster by making it a Sub and putting the result
a ByRef argument

Dim i As Long
Dim lPos As Long
Dim lLenFind As Long

lPos = InStr(lStart, strSource, strFind, bCompare)

If lPos = 0 Then
'strFind is not in strSource, so return strSource and get out
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
Exit Function
End If

lLenFind = Len(strFind)

If lStart < lPos And lLenFind = Len(strReplace) Then
If lCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSource, lPos) = strReplace
Do While lPos > 0
Mid$(strSource, lPos, lLenFind) = strReplace
lPos = InStr(lPos + lLenFind, strSource, strFind, bCompare)
End If
If lStart = 1 Then
ReplaceX = strSource
'to make it consistent with the normal Replace function
ReplaceX = Mid$(strSource, lStart)
End If
ReplaceX = Replace(strSource, strFind, strReplace, lStart, lCount,
End If

End Function

Function SheetExists(ByVal strSheetName As String) As Boolean

'returns True if the sheet exists in the active workbook
Dim x As Object

On Error Resume Next
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(strSheetName)

If Err = 0 Then
SheetExists = True
End If

End Function


With wksNew
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = r.Address
.Name = Left(Trim(currCat), 31) 'this line is
where I
need to expand
.Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
application.CutCopyMode = False
End With

When the above code is running, occasionally the macro will get stuck
because the currCat name contains a character, such as a slash, that
cannot use in a sheet name. Can someone tell me how to write code that
either strip out invalid sheet name characters or replace them with
like a dash?

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