I remember that a few years back a bit of code was given, I think it
must have been VB code to do this, that in one easy process showed the
docts that are accessible in FILE > NEW... as a pulldown. And the
templates were not put there manually; the code took care of showing
the templates grouped by their folders. That's what memory tells me,
though I can't be 100% sure. Does anyone know what I mean from my
weak description (I didn't know VB then, so don't remember exactly).
Thanks. I did a search in the archives but nothing came up because I
guess I don't know what this is called in order to bring it up.
must have been VB code to do this, that in one easy process showed the
docts that are accessible in FILE > NEW... as a pulldown. And the
templates were not put there manually; the code took care of showing
the templates grouped by their folders. That's what memory tells me,
though I can't be 100% sure. Does anyone know what I mean from my
weak description (I didn't know VB then, so don't remember exactly).
Thanks. I did a search in the archives but nothing came up because I
guess I don't know what this is called in order to bring it up.