I have posted this question on <microsoft.public.excel.programming>
but did not get any answer.
Has anyone tackled this issue here?
I would like to create standard code templates, from (something like)
a form specifying parameters for the code generation. For instance,
for new class modules, you could specify a Foo property of type String
(byval/optional and defaulting to "FooString") and a user defined Bar
property of type BarClass, to be optionally initialized, and then the
generated "FooClass" Class Module would look like:
'Class Module: FooClass
'Created by: Name Surname
'Date Created: 23/07/2004
'Description: Foo is a Foo Class Module
private m_strFoo as String
private m_oBarClass as BarClass
Property Get Foo() As String
Foo = m_strFoo
End Property
Property Let Foo(Byval strFoo As String)
m_strFoo = strFoo
End Property
Property Get Bar() As BarClass
set Bar = m_oBar
End Property
Property Let Bar(oBar As BarClass)
set m_oBar = oBar
End Property
Public Sub Initialize(oBar as BarClass, _
optional byval strFoo as string = "FooString")
m_strFoo = strFoo
set m_oBar = oBar
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_oBar = Nothing
End Sub
''''' FooClass Class Module terminates here '''''
I had a look at <http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.htm>, and I think
it is achievable, but has anyone already spent time on this? I don't
want to rewrite anything in a suboptimal way.
Is there any open source VBA editor I could use instead (even though I
doubt it would be as integrated and convenient as VBE)? Can I use the
*VB* editor to write VBA code within Excel .xls / .xla?
Any other comment welcome.
but did not get any answer.
Has anyone tackled this issue here?
I would like to create standard code templates, from (something like)
a form specifying parameters for the code generation. For instance,
for new class modules, you could specify a Foo property of type String
(byval/optional and defaulting to "FooString") and a user defined Bar
property of type BarClass, to be optionally initialized, and then the
generated "FooClass" Class Module would look like:
'Class Module: FooClass
'Created by: Name Surname
'Date Created: 23/07/2004
'Description: Foo is a Foo Class Module
private m_strFoo as String
private m_oBarClass as BarClass
Property Get Foo() As String
Foo = m_strFoo
End Property
Property Let Foo(Byval strFoo As String)
m_strFoo = strFoo
End Property
Property Get Bar() As BarClass
set Bar = m_oBar
End Property
Property Let Bar(oBar As BarClass)
set m_oBar = oBar
End Property
Public Sub Initialize(oBar as BarClass, _
optional byval strFoo as string = "FooString")
m_strFoo = strFoo
set m_oBar = oBar
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_oBar = Nothing
End Sub
''''' FooClass Class Module terminates here '''''
I had a look at <http://www.cpearson.com/excel/vbe.htm>, and I think
it is achievable, but has anyone already spent time on this? I don't
want to rewrite anything in a suboptimal way.
Is there any open source VBA editor I could use instead (even though I
doubt it would be as integrated and convenient as VBE)? Can I use the
*VB* editor to write VBA code within Excel .xls / .xla?
Any other comment welcome.