Hi there!
If you know this trick, please help me! I have killed a lot of time...
To be able to keep formats in my B:B row, I use the contitional format
function. When I use a relative formula like =$A6="I" everything work fine
( yellow interior color when "I", Black interior when "K".) . I just copy
the format manually to all cells and the relative row fill out the area.
However, I had to create code for it, running everytime with "Sub
Worksheet_Change". This because I need to keep the formats when i paste text
from other worksheets. If I have code activating when I change information,
I can reformat the cell right again .
Earlier I used a workaround.and disabled copy and paste instead, but you
lose a lot with that...
If you know this trick, please help me! I have killed a lot of time...
To be able to keep formats in my B:B row, I use the contitional format
function. When I use a relative formula like =$A6="I" everything work fine
( yellow interior color when "I", Black interior when "K".) . I just copy
the format manually to all cells and the relative row fill out the area.
However, I had to create code for it, running everytime with "Sub
Worksheet_Change". This because I need to keep the formats when i paste text
from other worksheets. If I have code activating when I change information,
I can reformat the cell right again .
Earlier I used a workaround.and disabled copy and paste instead, but you
lose a lot with that...