Code or Macro maybe?



I am not sure what would be best or how to do it, so if anyone could assist,
or point me in the right direction, that would be great.

I have a database attached to an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is the
raw data for all the queries in the database. The spreadsheet is over
written each morning with new data. Everyday, I do a make table query and
save the data for historical reporting. How do I program a button on a form
or set up a macro to do this for me so I do not have to it manually everyday
where I am always changing the table name. I want the name of the table to
be Backlog with the current days date appened to it, so today would be
Backlog072709 and tomorrow's would be Backlog072809.
Thanks in advance,

Jerry Whittle

I highly recommend changing your file naming to a yyyymmdd format. That way
the table names will sort much better if you are looking for a specific date.

Put the following in a module. Change ASA to the correct name of the linked
spreadsheet. Put DoSQL on the On Click event of a command button. Make sure
to debug and save the module.

Public Sub DoSQL()

Dim SQL As String
Dim TheDate As String

TheDate = Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
SQL = "SELECT * INTO " & _
"Backlog" & TheDate & _

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Sub


Thanks so much. I even played with it and got it to work using a query as
the raw data to make a table. Question, is there a bit of code I can use
that will rename a table 1st before I would run code like you sent me? So If
I have a table called PreviousDay" and I want to rename that table to
PreviousDay20090724, then run the code to create a new table previous day?


Hash: SHA1

You are going down a black hole. You should NOT be making new tables
for each days data. You should be importing that data into one table
that has a column (field) that would hold the date that the data was
imported - call it "import_date." If the spreadsheet (s/s) has the same
name you could use a QueryDef to import the data - like this:

INSERT INTO Imports (import_date, <other column names>)
SELECT Date(), <other s/s column names>
FROM spreadsheet_name

The Date() will insert the current day's date into the column

You have to have the column names of both the target table and the s/s.

Now you will be able to compare previous month's/year's data without
using UNION queries. Just be sure you index the import_date column and
other columns that may be used in queries (for speed).

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)
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