code to copy files



MyAddin is stored on a server, but is copied to an Addin directory on each
PC. I want to be able to copy MyAddin using VBA code, but when I try to do
it using the VB editor, everything I do when I minimize the Word app is
"ignored". (I always cheat and use the editor to "get the hang" of what I'm
trying to code.)

In olden times, I woulda written a shell script, made it executable, and
then just executed it. Can I do something similarly in VBA code?


Helmut Weber

why not using a simple bat-file in your autostart folder,
if you know how to write one?
Don't know, whether trying to copy an addin is a good
idea, as the target addin, that should probably be
overwritten, may be in use.
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""
Word 97, W98


That's a good idea. I will try it. I can delete the old addin, which won't
be in use at startup, and then copy the new addin.

Thanks for your help, Helmut.



Good advice, Helmut. I did as you said, and including copying the addin to
another directory, so that the target addin will never be "in use". Your
help is certainly appreciated.


Charles Kenyon

This is better done in the (Windows?) network login script. That will be
executed before Word is loaded. Put your Add-In in a network folder (not the
Workgroup Templates folder!) to which users have read-only access. The
script should automatically copy it to the local startup folder each time
the user logs into the network - if the network copy is newer than the
stored copy. I don't know how to write these scripts, just know they exist.
In a batch file, the DOS XCOPY or XXCOPY commands can handle this easily.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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