I'm browing to the folder where some Excel Spreadsheets are and I'm using
the Dir function to go through the list of the files in the folder.
I have tables that match the names of the Excel Spreadsheets.
As I go through the list of excel spreadsheets I'd like to specifiy that the
corresponding table have it's link refreshed.
The code I now have loops through the tables in the db and then loops
through the files in the directory looking for a matching name and then
relinking that table.
Is there a way the once I have the name of the spreadsheet I can specify
that I want that table to be relinked?
Here's the code I have so far:
Function RelinkBPCSData()
Dim db As Database
Dim strPath As String
Dim InputDir, ReLinkFile As String, tblName As String
Dim strLeftConnect As String
Dim strFileName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strPath = BrowseFolder("Refresh BPCS Data") 'This is from the Web Access
'Lists Files in folder
InputDir = strPath
ReLinkFile = Dir(InputDir)
For Each tbl In CurrentDb().TableDefs
If (tbl.Connect <> "") Then
MsgBox (tbl.Connect)
MsgBox (tbl.Name)
tbl.Connect = strPath
strLeftConnect = Left(tbl.Connect, 34)
strRightConnect = strPath
strFileName = Dir(strPath & "\*.*")
strFileName = Dir(strPath & "\" & tbl.Name & ".*")
Do Until strFileName = tbl.Name
If strFileName = tbl.Name Then tbl.RefreshLink
'strFileName > ""
MsgBox (tbl.Connect)
MsgBox (strLeftConnect)
MsgBox (strRightConnect)
End If
End Function
the Dir function to go through the list of the files in the folder.
I have tables that match the names of the Excel Spreadsheets.
As I go through the list of excel spreadsheets I'd like to specifiy that the
corresponding table have it's link refreshed.
The code I now have loops through the tables in the db and then loops
through the files in the directory looking for a matching name and then
relinking that table.
Is there a way the once I have the name of the spreadsheet I can specify
that I want that table to be relinked?
Here's the code I have so far:
Function RelinkBPCSData()
Dim db As Database
Dim strPath As String
Dim InputDir, ReLinkFile As String, tblName As String
Dim strLeftConnect As String
Dim strFileName As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strPath = BrowseFolder("Refresh BPCS Data") 'This is from the Web Access
'Lists Files in folder
InputDir = strPath
ReLinkFile = Dir(InputDir)
For Each tbl In CurrentDb().TableDefs
If (tbl.Connect <> "") Then
MsgBox (tbl.Connect)
MsgBox (tbl.Name)
tbl.Connect = strPath
strLeftConnect = Left(tbl.Connect, 34)
strRightConnect = strPath
strFileName = Dir(strPath & "\*.*")
strFileName = Dir(strPath & "\" & tbl.Name & ".*")
Do Until strFileName = tbl.Name
If strFileName = tbl.Name Then tbl.RefreshLink
'strFileName > ""
MsgBox (tbl.Connect)
MsgBox (strLeftConnect)
MsgBox (strRightConnect)
End If
End Function