& Export from VB to Word




Been trying to merge multiple names to Word.

Found this possible answer. The Zip file was posted 1999 by "Tmess".
It has a good rating. But it doesn't tell You how to use it.

Would someone be so kind and point me in the right direction?

Thank You for taking the time to read this Post.


Title: Export from VB to Word
Description: Have you ever wanted to merge data from a database to Word when
say one person has multiple records asscociated with them. Word doesn't
allow this. For example, It allows one person record but what if you want to
show multiple orders in the document for that person. Access allows you to
do this with a subreport but not word. This code will allow you to create a
new word document, add text to it, format the text, insert data from one or
more databases into it, print it, save it, e-mail it using outlook, and/or
then delete it if you want. Raised events allow you to know the current
status of the class. The sample included shows you how to use it with the
Northwind.mdb Perhaps if you want you can make it out of process activeX
exe. Check it out. It really is a useful Tool if you need to work with word.
Note: This does not use a DDE connection

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