coding a command button



I want to add code to a command button to check for an entry in a table
“tblDownTime†for the current date in the field “date†and for a specific
ride in the field “ride†‘which I want to hard code’ if found then check if
the field “safety†is null. If it is not null then I want it to create an
entry and fill in the date time and reason fields, if the field “safety†is
null then do nothing. I hope this make sense.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

John Spencer

Perhaps something like the following.

If DCount("*","tblDownTime","DateValue([DateField])=Date() AND [Ride] = 'Some
Value' AND [Safety] is not Null") > 0 then
'Do nothing
'Do stuff
Me.DateField = Now()
Me.Reason = "Non Sequitor"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County



Thank you

I think most of that will work. But I want to create a new record in
"tblDownTime" not on a form so the "me." will not work and I'm not very good
at coding so I don't know the code to create a new record it the table.


John Spencer said:
Perhaps something like the following.

If DCount("*","tblDownTime","DateValue([DateField])=Date() AND [Ride] = 'Some
Value' AND [Safety] is not Null") > 0 then
'Do nothing
'Do stuff
Me.DateField = Now()
Me.Reason = "Non Sequitor"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I want to add code to a command button to check for an entry in a table
“tblDownTime†for the current date in the field “date†and for a specific
ride in the field “ride†‘which I want to hard code’ if found then check if
the field “safety†is null. If it is not null then I want it to create an
entry and fill in the date time and reason fields, if the field “safety†is
null then do nothing. I hope this make sense.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.


Is the form bound to tblDownTime? If so, substitute DateField and Reason
with the actual names of the fields. If not, how come?

Chuck216 said:

Thank you

I think most of that will work. But I want to create a new record in
"tblDownTime" not on a form so the "me." will not work and I'm not very
at coding so I don't know the code to create a new record it the table.


John Spencer said:
Perhaps something like the following.

If DCount("*","tblDownTime","DateValue([DateField])=Date() AND [Ride] =
Value' AND [Safety] is not Null") > 0 then
'Do nothing
'Do stuff
Me.DateField = Now()
Me.Reason = "Non Sequitor"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I want to add code to a command button to check for an entry in a table
“tblDownTime†for the current date in the field “date†and for a
ride in the field “ride†‘which I want to hard code’ if found then
check if
the field “safety†is null. If it is not null then I want it to create
entry and fill in the date time and reason fields, if the field
null then do nothing. I hope this make sense.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

John Spencer

You can try the following. It will add a new record to the table. It won't
show the record to you or go to the record.

Dim strSQL as string
If DCount("*","tblDownTime","DateValue([DateField])=Date() AND [Ride] = 'Some
Value' AND [Safety] is not Null") > 0 then
'Do nothing
'Do stuff
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblDownTime(DateField,Reason) Values(#" & Now() & "#, '"
& "The Reason is" & ")"

Currentdb().Execute StrSQL, dbfailOnError


John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Thank you

I think most of that will work. But I want to create a new record in
"tblDownTime" not on a form so the "me." will not work and I'm not very good
at coding so I don't know the code to create a new record it the table.


John Spencer said:
Perhaps something like the following.

If DCount("*","tblDownTime","DateValue([DateField])=Date() AND [Ride] = 'Some
Value' AND [Safety] is not Null") > 0 then
'Do nothing
'Do stuff
Me.DateField = Now()
Me.Reason = "Non Sequitor"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I want to add code to a command button to check for an entry in a table
“tblDownTime†for the current date in the field “date†and for a specific
ride in the field “ride†‘which I want to hard code’ if found then check if
the field “safety†is null. If it is not null then I want it to create an
entry and fill in the date time and reason fields, if the field “safety†is
null then do nothing. I hope this make sense.

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

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