coding a control source in a report



I posted yesturday regarding having a problem getting my
report to say yes, no and sometimes rather than numbers.
the advice I was given was to create an unbound text box
with the control source property something like this:


Can you be more specific.....the field name is [weather]
and 0=no, -1=yes and I am assuming that -2 will be
sometimes. (I actually have about 20 fields that are the
same with different names, but if I can get one to work
the rest will work too) The data type is a text box, and
the properties are defaulted. When I am in view mode it
shows the words yes and no, but after a record is
completed, it changes them to 0s and -1s. I am not sure
why it does this, and I dont really care, but just want
to know how to get the report to say words rather than

This make sense....thanks for your help


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