Coding a Form with Command Buttons


Joy Mendleson


I am using VBA to code a form that has the command buttons AddNew, Edit,
Undo, Save, Close, Lock/Unlock and Delete.
I also want to enable/disable the command buttons at the right time to make
it easier on the user.

Does anyone know of any examples on the 'net that I can look at for
comparison purposes, to make sure I am getting all the logic right?
I hope you can help me (because this is getting complicated!)

Thanks for helping me,


Jay A.

Here is a sample.

me!commandButton1.enabled = false ' This disables button. Just change to
true when you want to enable.

Joy M.


Thank you for your reply. I know how to enable buttons.

What I would really like to find is a form with the VBA code that lets the
Add, Edit, Undo, Save, Close, Delete, Lock/Unlock buttons work, where the
captions are enabled/disabled at the right points in time, so the user know
what choices he is entitled to make. This seems like a form that would be
very useful to have -- instead of each of us re-inventing the wheel, we
could take the form and the code and add it to our databases.

Thanks very much again - please let me know where I could find this example,
if you can.


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