Coding a SumProduct formula


Otto Moehrbach

Excel XP, WinXP
I have a number of columns of dates.
I want to get the number of instances (cells) of dates that match specific
months and years, in a specific column.
The sheet formula:
works just fine, but I want to use VBA so the user can input the month,
year, and column.
My code looks like this:
TheCol = Application.InputBox...........
TheMonth = Application.InputBox..............
TheYear = Application.InputBox...............
Set TheRng = Range(Cells(2, TheCol), Cells(Rows.Count, TheCol).End(xlUp))
MsgBox Application.SumProduct((Application.Month(TheRng) = 1) *
(Application.Year(TheRng) = TheYear))

I get the error "Object doesn't support this property or method." on the
last line (MsgBox).
What am I doing wrong? Is it that SumProduct is one of the sheet formulas
that cannot be used in VBA?
Thanks for your time. Otto


MsgBox Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(" & TheRng.Address & ")=" & TheMonth &
")*(YEAR(" & TheRng.Address & ")=" & TheYear & "))")

Otto Moehrbach

Thanks for that. I'll try it. Otto
JMB said:
MsgBox Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(" & TheRng.Address & ")=" & TheMonth &
")*(YEAR(" & TheRng.Address & ")=" & TheYear & "))")

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