coding for excel programming



Hi reader.
I have coding to the excel programming for report from shee1 is all
data are forward to sheet2
when i micro run to show a input box what are u need a report like
date wise
i show a format

r col A col B & C col D & E col F colG
col H col I colJ col K colL
1 Name of party pkt Details
2 date buyer seller size remarks cts Rate
less $rate rate(Rs.) total amt$ total amt (RS)
col M col N col O
due terms due date

when i run to show me inputbox for what i do like date , name of
party, terms, due date wise any one i am type and two option yes or
no when click yes show me datails are sheet1 to sheet2 as condiation
in inputbox

please help me
Thank you

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