Coding/Form Problems



Hello I have a form and I have a combo box and when you
select a value on that combo box it pops up a relevant
subform. So for arguments sake:

Combo1 = CISCO
the subform that is displayed contains CISCO Details.

This works fine.

I have a few problems:

1) The problem is when I ask it to display the forms they
come up with everything showing and I dont want that to
happen. well it is on one form the CISCO one and I have
the "Data Entry" property set to yes...The other two forms
are fine and show nothing. Any suggestions?

2) I am creating a search form and I have a filter of [ID]
0. The following code on the search button. I am only
testing this on one form fist to get it working so that
then I can encorporate everything into my other two forms.

Here is the code I am using for the search button:

FilterMe = "[id] > 0"

If chkcisco1 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Forname]
= " & cbocisco1

If chkcisco2 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Location]
= " & cbocisco2

If chkcisco3 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Surname]
= " & cbocisco3

If chkcisco4 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Department]
= " & cbocisco4

If chkcisco5 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Support
From] = " & cbocisco5

If chkcisco6 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [CISCO
Username] = " & cbocisco6

If chkcisco7 Then FilterMe = FilterMe & " AND [Type of
Dialin] = " & cbocisco7

DoCmd.ApplyFilter , FilterMe

What could possibly be wrong? What have I missed?

Many Thanks


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