Collaborating with two others


Rick Altman

For the first time in over 20 years of Word usage, I will be sending a
document out for review to two different people. Am I correct that I can use
the Document Revision tools to send it out to both of them at the same time?
And there is a way in which the changes from both people can be incorporated
into the original? If this is correct, can someone give me a quick tour of
how this is done? I'll catch on quickly...

Cindy M.

Hi Rick,
For the first time in over 20 years of Word usage, I will be sending a
document out for review to two different people. Am I correct that I can use
the Document Revision tools to send it out to both of them at the same time?
And there is a way in which the changes from both people can be incorporated
into the original? If this is correct, can someone give me a quick tour of
how this is done? I'll catch on quickly...
This depends to a certain extent on which version of Word you have?

In a general sort of way, if you want to send it to more than one person at the
same time, send a "plain" copy to each. When they come back, use Tools/Merge
documents, one at a time, to compare each to the original. This will place
"mark ups" in the document to indicate how they differ. Accept/reject the
markup, then merge the result with the next one.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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