I guess I hear you saying to send out a locked down template,
No, you didn't, because you can't. Locking happens in the document, not the
template, and is available only in Word 2003 and above on the PC side. Mac
Word can't do it, and neither can any older version.
If you open a document whose protection is set to "Restrict formatting to
specific styles" in an older version of Word, the protection is ignored.
and there is no
hope of reviewers actually reviewing formatting if they are not on same
platform/version of word.
I sense a disaster of Biblical proportions about to engulf you, so allow me
to re-state my argument a little more forcefully. I am trying to save your
bacon here, and I do this for a living (long documents, not butchery...)
I gently suggest to you that there is no hope of reviewers making useful
comments about formatting. They simply don't know enough. Your reviewers
are there to help you ensure the technical accuracy of your document. Don't
invite them to step outside their area of expertise, or the feedback you get
will be both random and useless.
I specifically inhibit my reviewers from commenting on the formatting,
because I find that if you let them, they then fail to review the technical
accuracy of the document, which is what they are there for.
I often tell all reviewers: "The document has not been formatted yet.
Formatting will not be performed until after technical sign-off. The
formatting process will remove all formatting now in the document, so please
do not waste your time commenting on it. The spelling standard and the
grammar standard have been determined by management policy: please do not
attempt to change either spelling or grammar."
From long experience (40 years of it...) I can tell you that if you do not
bolt those doors shut, you will:
A) Get buried in meaningless comment from people who know no better
B) Get important technical errors missed, because the reviewers will be
futzing around with the typesetting, spelling, and grammar.
The way to get large documents on the press on time in Word is to work with
just four or five styles all the way through the authoring and review
Don't even think about formatting or pagination until you get technical
sign-off. If you do, you are completely wasting any effort you put into
them, because you will simply have to strip it and start again when you go
to press. You cannot format or paginate a document until you get the words
Hope this helps
This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]