Collaborative/Concurrent working


Lord Simon

As a business user from a big corporate, I often find
myself needing to work collaboratively with my colleagues.

I often find myself need to work on the same piece of
document/spreadsheet as my colleague does. At the moment,
only one person can do the editing, while the rest of the
users have read only access. This is really a bottleneck
to the nature of the work I am involved in. (Needing to
call the person hundreds of miles away to close down his
document so that I can do my work, while he would have to
wait till I finished my work, close my document before he
can start working on it again). Very inefficient way of
working, isn't it?

We may be working on different Section of the document,
how good would it be, if the changes I made to the
document is instanteneously reflected on his version. So
is the changes made by him instanteneously updated on my
version. At the end of the day, when we place our document
in the resipotory, it would be exactly identical.

Does Microsoft have a solution to such problem? I am
thinking the Gaming industry is so advanced that the
movement (changes) I made is instantaneously reflected on
other players' screen (could be on the other side of the
globe), can this be done the same to Microsoft Office

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