Collapse Document




I was wondering if it's possbile to have a document set up to be collapsed
on open and then open by section depending on the checkbox that is checked?


When the form is opened it is collapsed. I would like ONLY for one page to
show which would be the table of contents. Instead of the table being set up
to select the name and when clicked take you to that section, I would like to
have the table set up with multiple checkboxes with the name of each section
such as Real Estate, Auto, Commercial and then if the Auto checkbox is
checked, that section of the form opens(or uncollapses) and the user can
check the needed documents.

First, is this possible and second, is it difficult to do? I am comfortable
working with Word but by no means an expart so please simply answer. Any
links to websites you can provide to do this would also help.


Graham Mayor

It would be easier to insert the required data in response to a check box,
using a macro run on exit from the check box field e.g.

With ActiveDocument
If .FormFields("Check1").CheckBox.Value = True Then
.FormFields("Text1").Result = "This is the text associated with
Check Box 1"
.FormFields("Text1").Result = ""
End If
End With

However such jobs are better suited to userforms Word MVP FAQ - Userforms to collect the data and then to
place the associated documents or texts in the document.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi Graham,

I hoping with your knowledge you might be able to help me with a question.

I have an expandable document that works fine. However, I was asked if a
user could print ONLY the sections of the document that are expanded and NOT
print the collapsed sections. Is this at all possible?


Graham Mayor

What method is used in *your* document to expand the information? You should
be able to print exactly what is shown on screen. If you want to further
limit the printing you would need to format the 'hidden' parts as white (to
maintain the space it occupied) or hidden (to remove the space it occupied).

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Hi Graham,

Going off the previous posting, I am using the Outlining toolbar for my
document. I use the arrows to give me a main header or sub header. The
document opens an closes fine although I haven't tried to print it because I
am still building it. However, when completed you're saying whichever part of
the document is opened, that's all that will print? I was reading in your
posting something about hidden parts as white, how would I do that? I think I
may need to know just in case.

Thank you, you have been a great help!!

Graham Mayor

I don't do much Outlining, but if you print from the Outline View I believe
it should print what is on display.
Formatting hidden parts as white is just a matter of setting the font colour
to white. White does not print on normal printers.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Ok, I understand changing the font color to white but how do I format it
where ONLY the closed part doesn't print (if it even prints in the first
place). Also, If I open page 2 and 5 will it print on two sheets or will
there be blank sheets in between? Sorry, I know I am getting ahead of myself
but I want to be prepared so I can correct whats needed prior to going to

Thanks Graham!!

Graham Mayor

If you set the colour to white it will print blank pages. If you don't want
the gaps set the font to hidden instead. You may be able to achieve what you
want by printing only the pages and/or sections that you require.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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