Collect data from spesific cell in multiple sheets


Espen Rostad

How can I collect data from cell A1 on sheet 01.01 thru 31.12 (Dates) to
summary sheet?

I've tried fill and copy formula with different use of ! and $ but I've not
been able to solve this by my self.

Thank you

Mike H


The correct syntax is


Substitute sheet1 & sheet3 for the first/last sheets in the range you want
to sum

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Espen Rostad

Thank you Mike, but I need all results in a row. Eg Sheet '1.1' cell A1 in
Sheet 'SUM' A1, Sheet '2.1' cell A1 in Sheet 'SUM' A2 .. and so on

Mike H skrev:

Roger Govier

hi Espen

On your Sum sheet, enter the list of your sheet names 01.01 to 31.12 in
cells A1:A365
In B1 enter
=INDIRECT("'" & A1 &"'!A1")
and copy down

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