Collecting data from more than one row in a pivot table



I'm making a customer base where I want to make a pivottable that ca
give an statistical overview on when it is most likely to get throug
to a particular type of professional (it-director, sales manager, CEO

In each company I have made room for up to four contact persons, eac
with his/her own sets of columns (name, position, telephone, etc) an
up to three contacts so I can see the development in the contact (e.g
first contact results in a call-back, the second a reference to contac
person 2, the third a meeting, etc).

Each time I choose the result of a particular contact from a validatio
list, I have made a macro that record the date and time in cells far t
the right in the row.

All this information I would like to make some statistical analysis o
and hope to do it using pivot tables. The problem arises when I wan
to combine all the "job-position" columns in the pivot tables "Ro
fields" field and all the timestamps of the contacts in the "Column
fields". This however is not possible. Is there some way aroung this?
E.g. inserting a sumproduct formula in the pivot table?

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