Collections in Class Modules?



I'm pounding my head trying to figure this out and can't finad an
answer anywhere. My guess is the answer is pretty simple once you
know it.

How do you put a collection in a class module? For example:

a Parent object might have a Name property and may have one or more
Kids objects associated with them. The name property is simple....

private p_Name as string
Property Let Name (strName as String)
p_Name = strName
End Property

The properties for the Kids are simple too. Each Kid object has a Name
property, an Age property and Friends (an array of strings).

But how do you create a collection of Kids objects within the Parent
object in a class module?
I want to reference like:

Dim Parent(1 to 3) as objParent
Parent(1).Name = "Joe"
Parent(1).Kids.Add "Elloitt", 7, Array("Jane","Joan")
Parent(1).Kids(1).Name = "Elle"
intAge = Parent("Joe").Kids("Elle").Age

Any direction would be greatly appreciated - vdJ

George Nicholson

At its simplest, in the declarations section of the Parent class module:

Public Kids as New Collection

But no matter what you do, I think you need to create the Kid object first,
then add that object to Parent.Kids collection:
(external to Parent)
Set kd as New Kid
kd.Name = "Elliot"
kd.Age = 7
kd.Friends = Array("Jane","Joan")
Parent(1).Kids add kd, kd.Name

Parent(1).Kids.Add "Elloitt", 7, Array("Jane","Joan")
Unless I'm missing something, the only way that would work would be if Kids
were a *custom* collection, and you had rolled your own Add method. But you
could certainly create a method that would support something like:
Parent(1).CreateKid("Elloitt", 7, Array("Jane","Joan"))
Then you could move the "External to parent" snippet into Parent.CreateKid()


voudou Joe

I'm pounding my head trying to figure this out and can't finad an
answer anywhere. My guess is the answer is pretty simple once you
know it.

How do you put a collection in a class module? For example:

a Parent object might have a Name property and may have one or more
Kids objects associated with them. The name property is simple....

private p_Name as string
Property Let Name (strName as String)
p_Name = strName
End Property

The properties for the Kids are simple too. Each Kid object has a Name
property, an Age property and Friends (an array of strings).

But how do you create a collection of Kids objects within the Parent
object in a class module?
I want to reference like:

Dim Parent(1 to 3) as objParent
Parent(1).Name = "Joe"
Parent(1).Kids.Add "Elloitt", 7, Array("Jane","Joan")
Parent(1).Kids(1).Name = "Elle"
intAge = Parent("Joe").Kids("Elle").Age

Any direction would be greatly appreciated - vdJ

VBA Custom Objects
Collections in VBA custom objects and class Modules

After a great deal of head-banging and coming up empty on the
internet, I figured out how to work with Class Modules, Custom
Objects, Collections and Dictionary Objects in Class Modules. I put
this here in hopes that someone who needs it will will find it.

To use the example, create 3 class modules: Parent, Kid and Pet
I did this in Word, but Excel will probably work as well. If in
Excel, you will need to create a word application object -- something
Set appWord = new object (Word.application) to use the dictionary
object. You'll also need to create a reference to the Word object
model in Tools/References

Paste the class module code in to the respective class module and the
standard module code into a standard module.
I did not declare all variables nor did I spend anytime on error

Rgds - voudouJoe

Class Module Named: Parent

'Each Parent has a name
Private p_Name As String

'Gives Parent object a collection named Kids
'stored in a private p_colKids variable
Private p_colKids As Collection

'Kid is a user defined object defined in another class module
'The Kid object must be Dim'd in the standard module (see example
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Me.Kids = New Kid
End Sub

Public Property Let Name(strName As String)
p_Name = strName
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = p_strName
End Property

'Kid is a user defined object in another class module
Public Property Set Kids(newKid As Kid)
If p_colKids Is Nothing Then Set p_colKids = New Collection
End Property
Public Property Get Kids() As Collection
Set Kids = p_colKids
End Property

'This is a custom Parent-related sub to replace one kid object with
Public Sub ReplaceKid(newKid As Kid, idx As Integer)
Set tmp = p_colKids
tmp.Remove idx
tmp.Add newKid, Key:=newKid.Name, Before:=idx
End Sub

'Class Module Named: Kid
'Note this noun is singular where the collection object (above) is

Private p_Name As Variant
Private p_Age As Variant
Private p_Friends As Variant
Private p_FavoriteFoods As Collection
Private p_colPets As Collection
Private p_dicTeachers As Object

'Kid has a number of attributes that this example manages in 3
different ways
'Favorite Foods is a collection of items that are NOT objects
'Pets is a collection of Pet objects (where the Pet is defined in
another class module)
'Teachers is a dictonary object where there is a unique Key and an
associated value
'Each of these must be initialized
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Me.FavoriteFoods = New Collection
Set Me.Pets = New Pet
Set Me.Teachers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub

'Name and Age are simple properties directly defined
Public Property Let Name(strName As String)
p_Name = strName
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = p_Name
End Property
Public Property Let Age(iAge)
p_Age = iAge
End Property
Public Property Get Age() As Variant
Age = p_Age
End Property

'Friends are a number of Friends that are passed an an array of values
e.g., ayFriends = array("joe", "sam")
Public Property Let Friends(ayFriends As Variant)
p_Friends = ayFriends
End Property
Public Property Get Friends() As Variant
Friends = p_Friends
End Property

'Favorite foods is a simple collection of items
Public Property Set FavoriteFoods(x As Collection)
If p_FavoriteFoods Is Nothing Then Set p_FavoriteFoods = New
End Property
Public Property Get FavoriteFoods() As Collection
Set FavoriteFoods = p_FavoriteFoods
End Property

'Pets is a collection of associated user defined objects (that are
defined in another class module)
'This shoes that a Parent can have a colleciton of Kid objects where
each Kid has a collection of Pet objects
'This nesting can go on and on, I suppose
Public Property Set Pets(newPet As Pet)
If p_colPets Is Nothing Then Set p_colPets = New Collection
End Property
Public Property Get Pets() As Collection
Set Pets = p_colPets
End Property

'Teachers is a directory object associated with each Kid object where
there is a unique key (the teacher's 'subject' in this example)
'and an associated value (the teacher's name in this example)
Public Property Set Teachers(objDic As Object)
If p_dicTeachers Is Nothing Then Set p_dicTeachers = objDic
End Property
Public Property Get Teachers() As Object
Set Teachers = p_dicTeachers
End Property

'This is a function to create a Kid and load many attributes with one
line of VBA code
'The only required value is NAME. You can do optional values in a Sub
or Function
'Optional values cannot be used in a Property Let statement
'Use IsMissing to determine wether or not to try and set the
associated property
Public Function Make(strName As String, Optional iAge As Variant,
Optional ayFriends As Variant, Optional vFavoriteFoods As Variant) As
'use a temporary object to create a new Kid object and store
Set makekid = New Kid
With makekid
.Name = strName
If Not IsMissing(iAge) Then .Age = iAge
If Not IsMissing(ayFriends) Then .Friends = ayFriends
'use IsArray to determine if there is 1 Favorite Food String or an
array of strings
'because FavoriteFoods is a collection (unlike Friends which is an
'items must be added 1 element at a time
If Not IsMissing(vFavoriteFoods) Then
If IsArray(vFavoriteFoods) Then
For Each i In vFavoriteFoods
.FavoriteFoods.Add i
Next i
.FavoriteFoods.Add vFavoriteFoods
End If
End If
End With
'set the results of the Make function to the temporary object
Set Make = makekid
End Function

'use this function to return 1 friend from the collection
Public Function GetFriend(idx As Integer) As String
If Not IsMissing(idx) Then
GetFriend = p_Friends(idx)
GetFriend = p_Friends
End If
End Function

'Class Module Named: Pet
'Note this noun is singular where the collection object (above= Pets)
is plural

'create a simple Pet object to nest under a Kid object under a Parent

Private p_PetType As String
Private p_Name As String

Public Property Let PetType(strPetType As String)
p_PetType = strPetType
End Property
Public Property Get PetType() As String
PetType = p_PetType
End Property

Public Property Let Name(strName As String)
p_Name = strName
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = p_Name
End Property

'Standard Module Named: whatever you want

Sub DEV004()
'you must Dim a parent custom object
Dim p As New parent
'a Kid object must be declared; also created a New Kid for
examples below
Dim tmp As Kid, newKid As New Kid

p.Name = "Judy"

'Aattributes to the Kid object using the object variable
p.Kids.Add New Kid
Set Tom = p.Kids(p.Kids.Count)
Tom.Name = "Tommy"

'use the Make function in the Kid class module to create a new kid
object and load many attributes at once
Set tmp = newKid.Make("Danielle", 7, Array("Rebecca", "Samantha"),
'you may use the tmp variable to add additional attributes
tmp.Teachers.Add "English", "Ms. Davis"

'add the Kid object to the Parent Kids collection
'use tmp and (the key) so you can refer to the kid by
p.Kids.Add tmp, tmp.Name
'add more attributes to the kid by referring to the kid by name
rather than index (also an option)
With p.Kids("Danielle").Teachers
.Add "Reading", "Ms. Erickson"
.Add "Math", "Ms. Bullock"
End With

'create a pet object and associate with a Kid object in the
Parent.Kids collection
Dim iPet As New Pet
iPet.PetType = "cat": iPet.Name = "Fluffy"
p.Kids("Danielle").Pets.Add iPet, iPet.Name

'print some attributes
Debug.Print p.Kids(1).Name
With p.Kids("Danielle")
Debug.Print .Age
Debug.Print .Pets(1).Name
'add a new pet and include the key value
.Pets.Add New Pet, "Whiskers"
' the key value does NOT set the name value of the Pet object,
this must be done separately
.Pets("Whiskers").Name = "Whiskers"
.Pets("Whiskers").PetType = "Rabbit"
End With

'make another kid object and associate with the parent collection
'this kid object has multiple FavoriteFood items to add to the
FavoriteFoods collection
Set tmp = newKid.Make("Rieley", 6, Array("Matthew", "Andrew"),
Array("Pickles", "Pizza"))
p.Kids.Add tmp, tmp.Name

'print all this kid's favorite foods
For Each i In p.Kids("Rieley").FavoriteFoods
Debug.Print i
Next i

'print ONE of the friend names
Debug.Print p.Kids("Rieley").GetFriend(1)
'get the array of friends, print one
ayFriends = p.Kids(2).Friends
Debug.Print ayFriends(0)

'make another Kid object
'replace the original Kid #1 with this new kid using the custom
funciton in the Parent class module
Set tmp = newKid.Make("Logan", 12, Array("Cody", "Zack"))
p.ReplaceKid tmp, 1

'print all the kids names in the Parent's Kids collection
For Each iKid In p.Kids
Debug.Print iKid.Name
Next iKid

'stop and take a look at the way objects are sotred in the Locals
window in the VBA editor

End Sub

George Nicholson

If in Excel, you will need to create a word application object
-- something like
Set appWord = new object (Word.application) to use the dictionary
object. You'll also need to create a reference to the Word object
model in Tools/References

To use the "VB" Dictionary object you only need a reference to the Microsoft
Scripting Runtime Library, unless the Word object has some additional bells
& whistles...


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