Color Coding tracked changes with MS Word 2002.


Dean Ostrom

I use MS Word to store documents that must be changed
from time to time. I would revise the file using the
track changes feature, save it under a new rev level, and
send it to my programmer.

We used to use word 97 where I work and we were able to
color code the text so that deletions were struck thru
and one color (red), and insertions were normal text and
a different color (blue). This worked very well to
communicate the changes that I want to my programmer.

We have just "upgraded" to Word 2002 and seem to have
lost this ability. It still marks deletions with
strikethru but I can't figure out how to make insertions
and deletions a different color.

Greg Maxey


It isn't the way it used to be unfortunately. You can run the following
macro to cutomize track changes. As is this inserts in blue italic and
deletes with red linethrough.

Sub TrackChanges()
' Thanks Shauna!! Shauna Kelly provided me the basic format of
' this macro last year when I started using Word2002.
' Alter which lines run by adding or removing (the apostrophe) before
' each line.

With Application.Options
.RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkOutsideBorder
.RevisedLinesColor = wdAuto
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkCaret
.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkNone
.DeletedTextColor = wdRed
' .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkHidden
.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkItalic
.InsertedTextColor = wdBlue
' .InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkColorOnly
' .InsertedTextColor = wdAuto
' .RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
' .RevisedPropertiesColor = wdAuto
.RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkColorOnly
.RevisedPropertiesColor = wdViolet

End With
End Sub

( @ @ )
Greg Maxey
A peer in "peer to peer" support
Rockledge, FL

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