color coding




I have a list of charges in a month to month sheet. Whenever a charge
needs to be made, I hightligh the cell with light blue so accounting
knows that the project needs to be invoiced. What I would like to do is
have the amount selected with the color be deducated from the total
still to be invoiced.

I have created a funtion by pasting the recommended one (please see
below) by pasting it a the module I think. The formula recommended was
CountColor("--ColorIndex(h2:t35)=41)"). However, I still get the #name?
error. What am I doing wrong? I'm also attaching the sheet I'm trying
to create. Thanks for your help !

Function CountColor(myColorName As String, myRange As Range) As

Dim myColorIndex As Integer

Select Case myColorName
Case "Black"
myColorIndex = 1
Case "Dark Red"
myColorIndex = 9
Case "Red"
myColorIndex = 3
Case "Pink"
myColorIndex = 7
Case "Rose"
myColorIndex = 38
Case "Brown"
myColorIndex = 53
Case "Orange"
myColorIndex = 46
Case "Light Orange"
myColorIndex = 45
Case "Gold"
myColorIndex = 44
Case "Tan"
myColorIndex = 40
Case "Olive Green"
myColorIndex = 52
Case "Dark Yellow"
myColorIndex = 12
Case "Lime"
myColorIndex = 43
Case "Yellow"
myColorIndex = 6
Case "Light Yellow"
myColorIndex = 36
Case "Dark Green"
myColorIndex = 51
Case "Green"
myColorIndex = 10
Case "Sea Green"
myColorIndex = 50
Case "Bright Green"
myColorIndex = 4
Case "Light Green"
myColorIndex = 35
Case "Dark Teal"
myColorIndex = 49
Case "Teal"
myColorIndex = 14
Case "Aqua"
myColorIndex = 42
Case "Turquiose"
myColorIndex = 8
Case "Light Turquoise"
myColorIndex = 34
Case "Dark Blue"
myColorIndex = 11
Case "Blue"
myColorIndex = 5
Case "Light Blue"
myColorIndex = 41
Case "Sky Blue"
myColorIndex = 33
Case "Pale Blue"
myColorIndex = 37
Case "Indigo"
myColorIndex = 55
Case "Blue-Gray"
myColorIndex = 47
Case "Violet"
myColorIndex = 13
Case "Plum"
myColorIndex = 54
Case "Lavender"
myColorIndex = 39
Case "Gray-80%"
myColorIndex = 56
Case "Gray-50%"
myColorIndex = 16
Case "Gray-40%"
myColorIndex = 48
Case "Gray-25%"
myColorIndex = 15
Case "White"
myColorIndex = 2
Case Else
myColorIndex = -4142
End Select

For Each mycell In myRange
If mycell.Interior.ColorIndex = myColorIndex Then CountColor =
CountColor + 1
Next mycell

End Function

Bob Phillips

I think it should be

=CountColor("Light Blue",C1:C7)



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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