Color fill in Bands in Cross Functional flowchart



Anyone know how to color the bands in a cross functional
flowchart? I've seen a prinited one with colors
differentiating the bands, but I can't get it to do it in
Visio 2003.

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

You're in luck, it's not too hard.

First select the "swim lane" so that you see green handles. Then click on
the border, but not on the heading. You should now see little gray handles.
You have now *sub selected* the lane box, ie: you have selected a shape that
lives inside of a group.

You can apply a fill color to this sub-shape.


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP


THANK YOU! I knew there had to be a way...just couldn't
figure it out.
Thanks again!

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