color in ERD diagram ?



In a ERD diagram, is it possible
- to change the grey background of the title (name of the table)
- to change the color of some fields
- to hide some fields ?

Many thanks ahead,



To change the grey background,
1. Highlight shape \ Window \ show shapesheet
2. Find the cell "SelectMode" in Group Properties section.
3. Change the value 0 to 1 so that Guard(If(user.ManualEdits,1,1)
This will enable you to select the sub-shapes within the Group shape and you
can now select the table name and the columns.
4. Select only the Table name shape
5. Window \ Show shapesheet
6. In the Fill Format section, in the FillForegnd cell, set the value of 16
to the color that you want, so that it looks like
Guard(if(Sheet.1!User.DBNotation=0,0,5) where 5 replaces 16.

Same goes for changing the color of the other fields.

To hide the fields, click on Database\Options\Document\Table and uncheck the
values there.

Hope this helps!

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