color jpg appears black



We have a letterhead document which contains an inserted purple jpg logo.
About a week ago, the logo started appearing black on the screen. If you
"Edit Picture", you see the jpg in its full purple color. (2) Word 2000
computers show it as black, (1) Word 2000 shows it as purple, and (1) Word
2003 shows it as purple. This occurs on many of the same files dating back to
2004, so it's not on just this one file. I wasn't around when the original
template was created, but the logo appears in the upper left and (2) text
boxes (left side for board members and the rest of the page for content). If
I delete the logo and re-insert, it goes into the right text box and not
where the logo was.

Any suggestions would be helpful - we'd like to print them in color again.




If the problem occurs, in the logo printing results, connected to Word 2000,
it could be a problem with the communication between Word and your printer.
While it works fine with others, but not this specific version, you might
consider updating your printer's driver for Word 2000. Another possibility
might be that the jpg logo has become corrupted, and you might do better to
re-create it from the ground-up. As far as the logo not appearing where you
want it, you can access the logo properties, then select the desired location
for the logo i.e. front, back, tight, square, and left or right. If not,
then it goes: "In line with text" by default. Another problem might be that
one of your graphic related filters is damaged, missing, or needs to be

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