color of page



I am working front page 2003 and I would like to know how can I choose the
color of a page with shade of the same colors. For example, it would go from
dark green to light green and white.

Mark Fitzpatrick

You can't. HTML colors can't perform a gradient shift, they're solid. You
would need to make a graphic and do it. It's very tricky though to get it
just right since you need to take into account the possible size of the
monitor that someone will use in order to prevent your image from tiling
(repeating) awkwardly.


I am thinking to install on my computer the Microsoft Expression to design
web site since it replaces Front Page 2003. Does the Microsoft Expression has
more tools then the Front Page 2003? Could I have the options of shade the
color of pages?


Mike Mueller


Expression has more tools in some areas and less tools in other areas.
FrontPage bot code is all but gone, and none of the included features
require the ServerExtensions

What EW cannot do is what you want; gradients are not defined in HTML, and
no design software can do a gradient by code

Gradients can be done using images; but as Mark already stated, they are
very trick to deploy successfully

Tom [Pepper] Willett

As Mark said: "You can't. HTML colors can't perform a gradient shift,
they're solid"
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"You're a daisy if you do!"
FrontPage Support:
:I am thinking to install on my computer the Microsoft Expression to design
: web site since it replaces Front Page 2003. Does the Microsoft Expression
: more tools then the Front Page 2003? Could I have the options of shade the
: color of pages?
: thanks
: "Mark Fitzpatrick" wrote:
: > You can't. HTML colors can't perform a gradient shift, they're solid.
: > would need to make a graphic and do it. It's very tricky though to get
: > just right since you need to take into account the possible size of the
: > monitor that someone will use in order to prevent your image from tiling
: > (repeating) awkwardly.
: >
: >
: > --
: > Hope this helps,
: > Mark Fitzpatrick
: > Microsoft MVP - Expression
: >
: > : > >I am working front page 2003 and I would like to know how can I choose
: > > color of a page with shade of the same colors. For example, it would
: > > from
: > > dark green to light green and white.
: > > thanks
: >


Thanks for your help. Would be possible have different "templates design" in
front page 2003? I was checking power point 2003 and there are a lot of
templates design. How can I get templates design in front page? Should I try
to import from power point? Would it work?

Thomas A. Rowe

Yes, but you will either need to create one or search on the internet for FP templates. You can not
use a template from other office apps in FP. However some Office templates has matching templates in
other Office apps.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


Actually what I need is just the background colorful, lets say starts green
and goes to the white color, or starts black and gradually goes to the white
color. All I found in my search was templates design, I do not want it.
Please how can I get just the theme with colors green or black and gradually
goes to white.

Thomas A. Rowe

You would have to create a image for your background in a image editor application, then import the
jpg in to your current open FP web, then insert in your pages as a background image or modify a
theme to use the background image.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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