Color of revisions shown in legal blackline?



When I use the Compare/legal blackline feature, the unchanged text is black,
with all revisions in mustard yellow. How do I change the revisions to red,
blue, or some other color that is easier to read? (I've tried "select all"
and applying black as the ink color - doesn't change the blackline portions.)

Sue O'Donnell

Have you tried to change the options in tools/track changes/highlight


Yep - track changes uses red and blue (mustard yellow isn't even an option
for that function....)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Tools | Options | Track Changes to select the desired colors for insertions
and deletions.

Gators said:
When I use the Compare/legal blackline feature, the unchanged text is black,
with all revisions in mustard yellow. How do I change the revisions to red,
blue, or some other color that is easier to read? (I've tried "select all"
and applying black as the ink color - doesn't change the blackline

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