Colored cells from IF...Then...



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I want to color a cell based on the result of a formula. If the result is greater than 40 then I want the cell to be yellow.


Use Conditional Formatting from the Format menu.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thanks for the reply. But, I don't understand. Here is the formula from the cell: =IF((B4+B16+B28)>40,???)

Perhaps you can actually show me the codes to change the cell color as a result of the addition.


Use Conditional Formatting from the Format menu.


Well, what cell is the formula in? Is that the one you want to change the
color of? If so you're working harder than you have to :)

In the Conditional Formatting dialog the left box should contain "Cell value
is", the comparison operator should be ">" & the last box need only contain
"40" - all without the quotes, of course.

BTW - you can use a more efficient formula of:

If you want a *different* cell to change color instead of the one containing
the formula select that cell & in the Conditional Formatting dialog;

Set the first box to "Formula Is" & in the second box enter:
Where X00 represents the reference of the cell containing the formula.

IOW, there's no "IF" statement required - it's implicit in the fact that
you're applying *conditional* formatting. You need only state the condition
& the formatting will be applied "if" that condition tests true.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Doh! I can't believe I didn't see this option off the menu. I was so enamored with the fancy icons I never saw the top level menu. I see how simple it is now with conditional formatting. I was working too hard.

Thanks so much.

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