colored column


rob p

Main form has a subreport that displays in datasheet format.

Is there a way to give a column (field) some kind of color or extra
formatting? I don't see any options for that unless I change the view but I
need to be in datasheet. Thanks.

Emilia Maxim

---------- "rob p said:
Main form has a subreport that displays in datasheet format.

Is there a way to give a column (field) some kind of color or extra
formatting? I don't see any options for that unless I change the view but I
need to be in datasheet. Thanks.


no way in datasheet view. But why can't you use a continuous form?
(BTW, I suppose, you have a subfrom, not a subreport.)

Best regards

Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart

Stephen Lebans

You can use Conditional Formatting available in A2K or higher.


Stephen Lebans
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