Coloring a shape Visio 2007)



I'm trying to make a "smiley-face" master whose skin and eye colors I want to
be able to define using shape data. Geom1 is a circle with its color (the
"skin" of the smiley) defined by FillForegnd. Geom2 is small circle defining
one eye and Geom3 the other eye. How do I define colors for these eyes?

Or is this the best way to do it; should I make the eyes as 2 separate
shpaes and group them? When I tried this I was not able to use the shape data
to define the colors.

Any ideas?



The Fill property will apply universally to the geometry1,2, sections. The
grouping will work. If all you did was click your group once, then, all you
selected was the top-level group shape sheet. Click a 2nd (or 3rd time if
you sub-grouped the eyes), until you've selected the individual shape you
want to color. Open the shapesheet, which will correspond to that shape, do
your color fill thing and the eyes will glare back at you. :)


Paul Herber

I'm trying to make a "smiley-face" master whose skin and eye colors I want to
be able to define using shape data. Geom1 is a circle with its color (the
"skin" of the smiley) defined by FillForegnd. Geom2 is small circle defining
one eye and Geom3 the other eye. How do I define colors for these eyes?

Or is this the best way to do it; should I make the eyes as 2 separate
shpaes and group them? When I tried this I was not able to use the shape data
to define the colors.

Each shape has only one normal fill section, so create multiple shapes
and then group them.

To access the data from the grouping shape you need the syntax like

John... Visio MVP

Paul Herber said:
Each shape has only one normal fill section, so create multiple shapes
and then group them.

To access the data from the grouping shape you need the syntax like

Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
Electronics for Visio

Close, but I think you want something like:
In the eye subshape, the fill colour would be

Groupshapename is the name of the shape created when the component shapes
are grouped and it would contain custom properties/shape data for the
various areas that need filling.

John... Visio MVP


Thanks, all!


John... Visio MVP said:
Close, but I think you want something like:
In the eye subshape, the fill colour would be

Groupshapename is the name of the shape created when the component shapes
are grouped and it would contain custom properties/shape data for the
various areas that need filling.

John... Visio MVP

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