Coloring Book printout



Am I able to take an image in Publisher and print it in outline form
as a coloring book page for children? Thank you.

John Inzer

Opsimath said:
Am I able to take an image in Publisher and print it in outline form
as a coloring book page for children? Thank you.
Some image editing programs have
options for outlining photos.

The freeware IrfanView may be worth a try.

After you download and install IrfanView...
open a photo in IrfanView and go to...

Image / Convert To Grayscale

Image / Effects / Edge Detection

Image / Negative

Image / Auto Adjust Colors

Now...go to...File / Save As...

Choose a folder

Enter a name

Choose a format


FWIW...if you go to...Image / Effects / Effects Browser...
you'll find more options to experiment with.


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


I don't see why not...
There are many coloring books and pages on the Office template web site
Thank you, but that's not what I had in mind. I have a group of 7
year olds. When I finish a subject, I would like to give them a page
to color, a page related to the talk. What I need is software to take
an image or photo of mine and let me print it out as a series of
outlines - coloring book style. I did that many years ago and thought
it was by using Publisher. But now I cannnot find a way to do it with
that program.


Some image editing programs have
options for outlining photos.

The freeware IrfanView may be worth a try.

After you download and install IrfanView...
open a photo in IrfanView and go to...

Image / Convert To Grayscale

Image / Effects / Edge Detection

Image / Negative

Image / Auto Adjust Colors

Now...go to...File / Save As...

Choose a folder

Enter a name

Choose a format


FWIW...if you go to...Image / Effects / Effects Browser...
you'll find more options to experiment with.
Thank you. I will try this.

John Inzer

Opsimath said:
Thank you. I will try this.
You're welcome.

You'll find it much easier to do than it is to explain.


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk

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