


The colors used in Onenote are kind of um, well, lets put it this way.. the
"red" sort of inturrupted my work day because it is considered a little
,lack of a politically correct word, "gay". It was quite an inturruption
because it is not normal for such colors to exist on my screen ha ha... Is
there a way to put in custom colors for the selection?!?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]


Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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Thank you. I knew of this feature but the colors to choose from is limited.
Is there a way to choose a custom color? Or a way to alter the list of
colors that exist in Onenote?

"Peter Baer (MS, OneNote Dev)" <Peter Baer (MS, OneNote
Dev)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

Erik Sojka

Not in this version; What other colors are you looking
for? Thinking of the analogy between OneNote and a
spiral notebook, you don't normally get a zillion choices
of colors for your paper.

It's just the background of the page. You can
choose "none" or you can insert a graphic and set that to
the background.

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